Thursday, June 16, 2011

Burgers and More

Beef Burgers
10 pounds ground beef
Seasonings of your choice
Burger buns

Mix seasonings with beef, and form into small rounds.
Cook in a large skillet on the stovetop.

Serve with a variety of condiments on the side.
For the vegetarians serve pre-made veggie burgers.

Sweet Potato Fries
15 sweet potatoes, cut into long wedges
Olive oil
Seasonings (salt, pepper, ground red pepper, etc)

Toss sweet potatoes in oil and seasonings.
Bake in a 400 degree oven for 20-25 minutes until browned and crisp.

S'Mores (oven style)
1box graham crackers
1 bag large marshmallows
Chocolate bars

Compile the s'mores: graham square, chocolate piece, marshmallow, and graham.
Bake in a 400 degree oven until marshmallows just begin to melt.

 Pictures from top to bottom:
The cooking crew is busy getting the table prepared.
Brooke works hard to make s'mores.
The chefs pause for a photo opt.
Jill and Brooke mean business as they get ready for dinner.
Andy and Emily wait the dinner cowbell.

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