Friday, July 15, 2011

Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese/Hummus

Tomato Soup
Heat up 9 cans tomato soup on the stove.  As a richer option you can add milk to some of the soup (leave some plain for those vegans).  Heat through.

Grilled Cheese
This group made a variety of grilled cheese sandwiches: plain/"regular" style; meat and cheese; and hummus (for the vegans).
The cooking crew used a griddle to toast the sandwiches after they smeared butter (non-dairy or oil for your vegans) on the whole-wheat bread.
Mixed frozen vegetables were served on the side (as well as a mixed variety of cookies).

Pictures from top to bottom:
Andy opens cans of tomato soup and pours the soup into pots to heat up.
Julianne helps grill sandwiches.
Christine poses with a piece of buttered toast in the middle of sandwich-making.
Jill makes hummus while Sarah Bates grills up some sandwiches.
The food line...many hands!
A hummus grilled cheese.
Plenty of grilled cheese for all.
Tori proudly holds her plate. 

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