Wednesday, July 13, 2011

All-American Feast

To make hotdogs follow the directions on the package...or watch the instructional video hosted by Andrew (see bottom of the page).
Serve with hotdog buns and potato chips on the side.
Roasted Corn
15 ears corn
1/4 cup olive oil
2 gloves garlic, minced
Salt and pepper to taste

1. Husk the corn.  Break each ear in half to make 30 pieces.
2. Heat the oil in a small pan and add the garlic to make a garlic-infused oil.
3. Place the corn on a baking sheet and rub each ear with the oil (after it cools slightly).
4. Roast in a 400 degree oven for 20 minutes until golden in spots.

Baked Beans
4 large cans vegetarian-style baked beans
2 large onions, diced
3 cloves garlic, minced

Mix all ingredients together and divide between baking dishes.  Bake in a 350 degree oven for 20 minutes until heated.

Apple Pie
(This makes 4 pies!)
9 sticks butter, diced and divided
2 cups Earth Balance (vegan butter alternative)
16 cups flour, divided
4 teaspoons salt, divided
Ice water
12 large apples of mixed varieties, sliced (with or without skin, or a combination of both)
3 cups sugar
3 Tablespoons cinnamon
6 Tablespoons flour

To make the crust work in four stages.  For one recipe combine three diced sticks of butter with 3 cups of flour and 1 teaspoon salt.  Mix until the butter is crumbly and looks like cornmeal.  Add enough ice water to form into a ball.  Do the same for the vegan crust replacing the butter with Earth Balance.  Divide each recipe into 2 balls, wrap in plastic wrap, flatten into a disc, and refrigerate.

For the filling combine all ingredients.

Roll out each disc of dough and place into a pie dish.  Place about a quarter of the filling into the crust and then cover the top in a lattice-top pattern.  Sprinkle the top of the pies with sugar.  Bake in a 375 degree oven for about an hour until browned.  Note, it is a good idea to place the pies on a baking dish to catch any juices.

Pictures from top to bottom:
Maria works her arm muscles rolling out pie dough for the crusts.
Melissa and the last completed pie (finally!  Hand-rolling is tough business!)
Adam and Andrew  pose and point at their roasted corn.
Jill and Maria decorate Jill's "patriotic vegan red velvet cupcakes" (check out the recipe at her blog).
Apple pie!
Christine smiles big as she waits for dinner.
Antonio and his "All-American Feast!"
The feast!  (and Tori Shelton)
Peter and Maria look very pretty in pink.
The apple pies featured with the main pastry chef, Melissa.  Can you spot the vegan?  (pie, that is...extra credit if you can spot both the vegan and vegetarian, people that is).

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