Friday, July 15, 2011

Tacos and Mashed Potatoes...?

For this meal the cooking group provided a variety of fixings for filling tortillas.  The meal was setup as a "taco bar" where guests were invited to take a hard or soft shell tortilla and fill it with whatsoever they desired.  The "fixings" included:
ground beef
black beans
sour cream
Tortilla chips were served on the side, along with "Jake Moore's mashed potatoes."

"Jake's mashed potatoes"
3 pounds potatoes
1/2 stick butter
1/2 cup milk
salt to taste

Fill a large pot with the potatoes and with water.  Bring the pot to a boil.
Once the potatoes are softened remove the skin and mash with the butter and milk.  Add salt to taste.

Pictures from top to bottom:
Jake mashes the potatoes for his mashed potatoes.
Anne prepares guacamole with some unfortunately unripe avocados.
Ground beef browns away on the stove.
Mary Francis gets the table set.
Soon to be KU student/professor and KU alum pose for a "KU photo."
Sarah and Sara smile as they await dinner.
Anne gets the group ready for prayer.  Jake Moore stands to her right and Liz, Mary Francis, and Andrew stand to her left.
Anne tells the hungry crowd what is for dinner while Jake looks on in the background.
Taco feast!  What a spread.
Rebecca opts for a taco salad.
Sara is ready for dinner!
Sarah holds onto her dinner plate showing some sass.

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