Friday, July 15, 2011

Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese/Hummus

Tomato Soup
Heat up 9 cans tomato soup on the stove.  As a richer option you can add milk to some of the soup (leave some plain for those vegans).  Heat through.

Grilled Cheese
This group made a variety of grilled cheese sandwiches: plain/"regular" style; meat and cheese; and hummus (for the vegans).
The cooking crew used a griddle to toast the sandwiches after they smeared butter (non-dairy or oil for your vegans) on the whole-wheat bread.
Mixed frozen vegetables were served on the side (as well as a mixed variety of cookies).

Pictures from top to bottom:
Andy opens cans of tomato soup and pours the soup into pots to heat up.
Julianne helps grill sandwiches.
Christine poses with a piece of buttered toast in the middle of sandwich-making.
Jill makes hummus while Sarah Bates grills up some sandwiches.
The food line...many hands!
A hummus grilled cheese.
Plenty of grilled cheese for all.
Tori proudly holds her plate. 

Tacos and Mashed Potatoes...?

For this meal the cooking group provided a variety of fixings for filling tortillas.  The meal was setup as a "taco bar" where guests were invited to take a hard or soft shell tortilla and fill it with whatsoever they desired.  The "fixings" included:
ground beef
black beans
sour cream
Tortilla chips were served on the side, along with "Jake Moore's mashed potatoes."

"Jake's mashed potatoes"
3 pounds potatoes
1/2 stick butter
1/2 cup milk
salt to taste

Fill a large pot with the potatoes and with water.  Bring the pot to a boil.
Once the potatoes are softened remove the skin and mash with the butter and milk.  Add salt to taste.

Pictures from top to bottom:
Jake mashes the potatoes for his mashed potatoes.
Anne prepares guacamole with some unfortunately unripe avocados.
Ground beef browns away on the stove.
Mary Francis gets the table set.
Soon to be KU student/professor and KU alum pose for a "KU photo."
Sarah and Sara smile as they await dinner.
Anne gets the group ready for prayer.  Jake Moore stands to her right and Liz, Mary Francis, and Andrew stand to her left.
Anne tells the hungry crowd what is for dinner while Jake looks on in the background.
Taco feast!  What a spread.
Rebecca opts for a taco salad.
Sara is ready for dinner!
Sarah holds onto her dinner plate showing some sass.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

All-American Feast

To make hotdogs follow the directions on the package...or watch the instructional video hosted by Andrew (see bottom of the page).
Serve with hotdog buns and potato chips on the side.
Roasted Corn
15 ears corn
1/4 cup olive oil
2 gloves garlic, minced
Salt and pepper to taste

1. Husk the corn.  Break each ear in half to make 30 pieces.
2. Heat the oil in a small pan and add the garlic to make a garlic-infused oil.
3. Place the corn on a baking sheet and rub each ear with the oil (after it cools slightly).
4. Roast in a 400 degree oven for 20 minutes until golden in spots.

Baked Beans
4 large cans vegetarian-style baked beans
2 large onions, diced
3 cloves garlic, minced

Mix all ingredients together and divide between baking dishes.  Bake in a 350 degree oven for 20 minutes until heated.

Apple Pie
(This makes 4 pies!)
9 sticks butter, diced and divided
2 cups Earth Balance (vegan butter alternative)
16 cups flour, divided
4 teaspoons salt, divided
Ice water
12 large apples of mixed varieties, sliced (with or without skin, or a combination of both)
3 cups sugar
3 Tablespoons cinnamon
6 Tablespoons flour

To make the crust work in four stages.  For one recipe combine three diced sticks of butter with 3 cups of flour and 1 teaspoon salt.  Mix until the butter is crumbly and looks like cornmeal.  Add enough ice water to form into a ball.  Do the same for the vegan crust replacing the butter with Earth Balance.  Divide each recipe into 2 balls, wrap in plastic wrap, flatten into a disc, and refrigerate.

For the filling combine all ingredients.

Roll out each disc of dough and place into a pie dish.  Place about a quarter of the filling into the crust and then cover the top in a lattice-top pattern.  Sprinkle the top of the pies with sugar.  Bake in a 375 degree oven for about an hour until browned.  Note, it is a good idea to place the pies on a baking dish to catch any juices.

Pictures from top to bottom:
Maria works her arm muscles rolling out pie dough for the crusts.
Melissa and the last completed pie (finally!  Hand-rolling is tough business!)
Adam and Andrew  pose and point at their roasted corn.
Jill and Maria decorate Jill's "patriotic vegan red velvet cupcakes" (check out the recipe at her blog).
Apple pie!
Christine smiles big as she waits for dinner.
Antonio and his "All-American Feast!"
The feast!  (and Tori Shelton)
Peter and Maria look very pretty in pink.
The apple pies featured with the main pastry chef, Melissa.  Can you spot the vegan?  (pie, that is...extra credit if you can spot both the vegan and vegetarian, people that is).

Monday, July 11, 2011

Baked Potato Bar

Baked Potatoes
Bake 50 potatoes (depending on size) in a 400 degree oven for 30 minutes.  Before you place the potatoes in the oven prick each one with a fork.
Serve the potatoes with a variety of toppings:
crispy bacon
diced onions
sour cream
black beans


Strawberry Shortcake
3 loaves pound cake
6 pounds strawberries, hulled and sliced
2 lemons
1 cup sugar
2 large tubs
6 chickens

1 soul
1 heart
1 brain
various appendiges
hair (hopefully)

Cheese Sauce 
uh...cheese, heat, and...yellow dye?
and one very happy, very tall man to eat it!

plate of goop.  yumm!

This post brought to you courtesy of honorary Magis member.  
Some recipes may contain slight inaccuracies not approved by Ms. Otter or her associates.  Make sure to thoroughly cook all meats to prevent poisoning and early death.  Please do not try to cook or make any humans.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Spinach Quesadillas

(Recipe taken and adapted from the Los Angeles Times)

1 large onion, minced
3 pounds fresh spinach
3 teaspoons salt
1 1/2 teaspoons crushed red pepper
6 teaspoons garlic, minced
3 cups feta cheese crumbles
3/4 pound low-moisture mozzarella, diced
36 corn tortillas


1. Heat 3 tablespoons oil in a large skillet. Add the onion and cook until it softens and begins to color, 3 to 5 minutes.
2. When the onion is ready, add the spinach. Season with salt and red pepper, sprinkle with garlic and cook, stirring frequently, until the spinach is quite tender, about 15 minutes.  Remove from the heat and stir in the feta.
3. Heat 2 teaspoons oil on a griddle over medium heat; use a spatula to distribute it so the surface is evenly covered. If you don't have a large griddle, you can use a skillet, but you'll have to cook the quesadillas in more than one batch. Add the tortillas and cook on one side until they have softened, 2 to 3 minutes. Flip them to the other side and spoon 2 to 3 tablespoons of the spinach in the center. Sprinkle over some of the diced mozzarella and use a spatula to fold the tortilla in half around the filling.
4. Cook until the tortilla begins to brown on one side, 2 to 3 minutes, and then flip onto the other side and cook until the tortilla browns on that side and the mozzarella is melted, about 2 to 3 minutes more. If some of the melting cheese oozes onto the griddle, that's even better. Repeat if necessary to use up all of the tortillas and filling.
5. Serve immediately, or keep warm in a 250-degree oven until all of the quesadillas have been made.

Note: for your vegans, omit the cheese in some of the quesadillas.

Pictures from top to bottom:
Christine poses by the "Edible Creation" her Mom sent the Magis teachers.  Thank you, Christine's mom!
Christine stirs spinach as it reduces down to half its size (always amazing to see!).
Tori smiles in the middle of dishwashing.
Jill gets rice ready for the rice cooker (a better option than the stovetop).
Sara helps with a quick cleanup in between helping with cooking.
Christine heats a corn tortilla.
What a delicious looking meal!
Brandon puts the finishing touches on the quesadillas.
Magi in their element, waiting for dinner to be announced.
Our film guest in the background getting setup to film us!
Sara expresses thanks for the meal as she is being filmed by our guest filming for the new Magis video.
Brandon describes the meal and the procedure for getting in line (in his very best teacher voice, of course!).
Jill shows the camera her plate, with a look of intense hunger.
Maria is the only one who notices a picture is being taken.  The others are intent about getting dinner.