Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Stir Fry

Tori happily mixes the stir fry.
This cooking group prepared mixed vegetables and chicken in a stir fry sauce and served their meal over brown rice.  A colorful fruit salad balanced the meal.

5 bags frozen hyvee stir fry vegetables with asparagus
3 bags frozen chicken
5 bottles hyvee stir fry sauce

2 bunches bananas
3 containers of strawberries
2 containers of blueberries

1 1/2 bags of brown rice
serves 20

1) Cook rice in stove or on rice cooker following directions on package 
2) Coat frying pan with oil and turn on to medium high heat
3) Cut up chicken into bite size pieces and fry until cooked through 
4) Add 1 bag1 1 1/2 bags of vegetables to pan 
5) Cook ten minutes or until vegetables are hot
6) Add 1 bottle of sauce per pan and heat until warm
7) *For vegetable option take out step 3 

7) Wash, cut, and mix up fruit for fruit salad

Recipe courtesy of Tori.

Angela multi-tasks as she helps with dinner.

Magi ready to eat!

This meal included a "dinner discussion."  See the video below:

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